TAFE Gippsland

Transforming lives and communities

Developed a brand idea that brought to life the change that education can make to people’s lives

Created a bold, confident identity driven by the brand idea of ‘transformation’

Helped create a new sense of optimism and positivity within the organisation

Following a period of uncertainty, including an unsuccessful name change, Gippsland wanted it’s TAFE reinstated as a part of it’s community and economy.

We set out to win back the hearts of the people by uniting the diverse Gippsland region and its multiple TAFE campuses. Through interviews, workshops and research with students, industry, government, schools and the broader community we explored the opportunity. And with a core team of ‘Brand builders’ from across the organisations we set the direction for the refreshed brand.

The new brand purpose reflects how passionate everyone is about the role of TAFE – ‘To change people’s lives through education’. The brand idea of ‘transformation’ is the springboard for a new bold and confident identity that signals a new start for the organisation. Using a colour palette of greens, drawn from the Gippsland landscape, optimistic language and bold design the identity is full of ambition and personality, yet still firmly rooted in the region.

Transforming lives, businesses and communities across Gippsland
TAFE Gippsland branding applied to a car
New signage at the Sale campus.
New signage at the Sale campus.
Billboard ad with the headline "Ready for a taste of something new?", over an image of a chef.
Sticker in the student run cafe window with the heading "Work in Progress".
A woman holding a tote bag with the statement Bags of Potential
Left: A takeaway coffee cup with the headline "Wake up and smell the possibilities".  Right: A student looking through the TAFE GIppsland broadsheet

Explore your best next.

To discuss how we can help you with your brand ambitions and challenges, please get in touch with our founder, Rachel Miles.