Equip Super

Equipping members for tomorrow

Rejuvenated the brand with a new positioning

Used consumer and member research to inform our identity approach

Created a dynamic new identity which evokes a powerful sense of progresion for member

For nearly a century, Equip Super have been helping their members build their retirement savings. Today the business has over 142,000 members and manages $32b in funds.

Recent consolidation in the super industry has led to the expansion of many established brands and seen the launch of smaller brands focussed on investment niches. As a mid-sized fund, Equip Super needed to stand up and stand apart.

Equip have focused on strengthening their financial advice offer and have conducted human-centred design research to understand the expectations of members at different life stages.

Leveraging these strengths into a motivating brand positioning – ‘equipping members today, ready for tomorrow.’ – we activated meaning and momentum into the brand.

Through research, we identified the appeal of an established fund that moves members forward with purpose. The new identity brings this to life. A dynamic new logo, colour palette and aesthetic convey confidence, performance and a member centric approach.

New Equip Super website
Left: Screen from the Equip app talking about super contributions. Right: Social post for Equip Super with the headline "Lets make more of your money".
A large billboard in a train station, with the brand message
A selection of pages from the Equip Super brand guidelines.
"Thanks to Milo, we now have a clear, single-minded brand positioning that leverages our history and sets our brand up for the future. We couldn’t have asked for better partners on the journey."
Alexis Harrison – previously Chief Marketing Officer, Equip Super

Explore your best next.

To discuss how we can help you with your brand ambitions and challenges, please get in touch with our founder, Rachel Miles.