Catholic Super

A new generation of super carers

Developed a strategy that moved the brand from faith to values

Redesigned the brand identity to be more modern and relevant

Worked with the team at Catholic Super to simplify and clarify communications

Catholic Super is a profit-to-member industry super fund with over $30b funds under management. It’s members work primarily in Catholic led health and education organisations.

A recent merger and new business strategy had bought lower fees to members and more investment power to the organisation. The brand now needed to build recognition and awareness within the category.

Qualitative research uncovered that members and employers respected the organisations financial performance and advice while acknowledging the personal experiences and shared values.These insights were developed into a simple ownable strategy – ‘only here for you’ – which builds upon the most compelling aspects of the catholic ethos and puts members at the heart of the organisation.

Leveraging the key equity in the logo, the halo, we developed a new symbol that better reflects the organisations new positioning. The identity puts the member at the centre, emphasing the unique relationship and shared values between organisation and member through every stage of life. Together, strategy and design create a distinctive identity, confidently financial but underpinned with values and humanity.

Only here for you
Two brochure covers – Building a better future for you and We welcome everyone
The new website design
Three instagram posts featuring member photography
Only here for you. A list of members names.
Left: Retired colour enjoying a cup of tea outside. Right: A female Catholic Super member at home playing a card game with her husband and son.
Left: A website tile "how to access your account". Right: Get trusted support, guidance and help.
A selection of pages from Catholic Super's brand guidelines

Explore your best next.

To discuss how we can help you with your brand ambitions and challenges, please get in touch with our founder, Rachel Miles.